Nursery Resources


We recognise that many teachers in nursery schools are already promoting the Catholic ethos.  However, in recent years we received requests from some teachers who felt they needed a little support and guidance in this area.  As a result we have produced these materials which we hope you will find useful.

After consultation with a number of nursery school teachers, we selected topics that are already being covered.  This online pack draws attention to the spiritual dimension of each topic.

The pack is aimed at Catholic nurseries or those who wish to promote the Catholic ethos.  We fully understand the complex nature of nursery education in today’s society but hope you will be able to adapt the resources according to your own needs.

As children of nursery school age are greatly influenced by visual and tactile experiences, the inclusion of an attractive sacred space in the classroom will support their spiritual development and also help to promote the Catholic ethos.

We have suggested links with scripture but have not indicated any specific version of the Bible.  Any Bible appropriate to the age of the children would be suitable.

We hope that you will enjoy using the little booklet of prayers for nursery schools which will accompany this pack.

The songs relating to the various topics are simple.  Most can be sung to the tunes of familiar nursery rhymes.

Parents play a very important role in the nourishing and developing of the faith of their children.  For this reason we have included links with family.  Perhaps, where you find it appropriate, you will invite parents/guardians to attend the short Prayer Services.

Finally, we would like to thank the teachers who so generously gave of their time, offered advice and suggestions and helped with resources.

October 2013


(Resources – Word Documents)

1. Introduction

2. All About Me

3. Autumn

4. Christmas

5. Winter

6. The Saints

7. Caring – Mother’s Day

8. Easter – new life

9. Mary

10. Summer – Holidays

11. Preparing for New School – Moving On