Fully Alive Pilot Programme

Fully Alive 1: Pilot Programme


Pilot Lessons 1-8 for Year 8 Students

Veritas now have the first set of lessons of the revised Fully Alive 1 online programme ready.

The materials for piloting consist of:

  • The designed version of Lessons 1 to 3, which consist of two sets of PowerPoint slides for each lesson: (1) the slides which the teachers will display for the students, and (2) these same slides with wraparound teacher notes, providing teachers with step-by-step instructions for using them.
  • A Word version of the teacher notes for Lessons 5 to 8, along with the PowerPoints that accompany these lessons. These materials have not yet been designed.
  • Worksheets for all lessons, which may be printed off as required.
  • Glossary of the key terms used in Lessons 1-8.
  • A link to the Interactive Bible Library resource, which is referenced in the teacher notes.
  • Three separate audio files for items referenced in the lessons (a poem for Lesson 1, a song for Lesson 6, and a story for Lesson 8).


Feedback on these lessons from teachers is essential to inform Veritas about the use of the lessons and any changes that are required.



  1. Bible Rap

2 Farewell Fearghal

Fully Alive 1 Glossary (L. 1-8)

Fully Alive 1 teacher Lessons 4-8

Fully Alive Worksheets Lessons 1-8







Lesson 4 The Bible

Lesson 5 The Old Testament

Lesson 6 The New Testament

Lesson 7 Finding Our Way Around the Bible

Lesson 8 The Bible Is the Inspired Word of God

We Learn We Grow

Bible library

This is a zip file and you will need to download it completely. Follow Susan Morgan’s instruction to operate it.


Pilot Lessons 9-15 for Year 8 Students

Please find attached the next set of pilot lessons for Year 8 pupils. Lesson 10 has a short video that tells the story of Ruth. Lesson 13 is optional and not suitable for lower ability pupils. Please come back with your comments and suggestions.

Fully Alive 1 Teacher Lessons 9-15 Pilot

Fully Alive 1 Worksheets Lessons 9-15 Pilot

Lesson 9 Dead Sea Scrolls

Lesson 10 The Story of Ruth

The Story of Ruth (Video)

Lesson 11 The Evangelists

Lesson 12 The Gospel of Mark

Lesson 13 The Bible and the Teaching Authority of the Church

Lesson 14 The Importance of the Bible Today

Lesson 15 Lectio Divina