Pathways to the Future

Pathways to the Future

As a Church we are called to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and share his love in the world.  But we realise that our current way of doing things is getting more difficult to sustain.  With smaller congregations and fewer priests we have to find new ways to ensure that the mission of the Church can be carried out in the future.

For this reason our Diocese of Down and Connor is undertaking a major programme of change called Pathways to the Future.   It will look at the priorities and structures of the Church to see how we can best serve our 86 parishes and other ministries over the next twenty years.

A steering team of lay people and clergy has been preparing for this work in recent months and representatives of every parish have taken part in initial conversations.  In the coming months we all have a chance to find out more and play our part.  One important task is to collect accurate information and for that reason a census of Mass attendance across the diocese will be taken up next week.

This is a time of rebuilding and renewal for our diocese and we set off on the pathway confident that the Holy Spirit, sent to us by the Father, will guide us on our journey together.  Please keep this project in your prayers!

Pathways to the Future Prayer

God of Love,
You are with us in every transition and change. 
As we enter into this new era with excitement and even some anxiety,

we recall your deep compassion, presence, and abounding love. 
We thank you for the gifts, talents and skills with which you have blessed us. 
We thank you for the work of others that gives breadth and depth to our own work. 
Be with us as we move forward, rejoicing with you and supporting one another. 

We ask this in your Holy Name. 

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