Diocesan RCIA Programme 2024-2025


What is RCIA? 

RCIA (the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is a process to introduce the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church to individuals who wish to learn more about Catholicism, including the opportunity, if they wish, to become Catholic through the Sacraments of Initiation.

RCIA is a time of teaching, formation and conversion to come to know, love and develop a relationship with God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

How do I sign up for RCIA? 
The first step is to request a registration form by emailing rcia@downandconnor.org.

When and where does RCIA meet together? 

We meet Monday nights from 6.30 – 8.00 pm at St Mary’s Hall, Chapel Lane, Belfast BT1 1HH from October to May. The start date for the programme is Monday 7th October 2024.

What is the format of the sessions? 
The sessions begin with prayer, followed by teaching, question and answer and small group discussion and concludes with prayer.

What is the cost for attending RCIA? 
There is a minimal cost to you to attend RCIA.  Resources are provided by the diocese.

May I bring my spouse/fiancé to the sessions? 
Yes, you may. We encourage your spouse/fiancé to attend the sessions with you. 

If I have been baptized in another church, do I need to be baptised again? 
In most cases, you do not need to be baptised again. The Catholic Church requires that you were baptised with water, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We will need a copy of your baptismal certificate or other proof of baptism from the church where you were baptised.  Proof of baptism may include a letter from the church, a copy of the membership record indicating that you were baptised, etc. 

I was told I need a sponsor who is a baptised and confirmed Catholic, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.  What if I don’t know anyone who could do that? 
Don’t worry about it. We have people who volunteer to fulfil the sponsor role.

Do I have to attend every session? 
Our desire is to have you attend all sessions. RCIA is certainly a place where you will learn about what the Catholic Church believes and teaches; however, it is much more than that. It is a process of getting to know Jesus Christ and growing together in community. RCIA is a process of conversion to a life with Christ. This process takes time and commitment on your part.

How many sessions can I miss? 
RCIA is a building-block process and each session builds on the one before. However, we realise that there may be situations which would cause someone to be unable to attend. Therefore, absences are handled on a case-by-case basis. If you must miss a session, arrangements can be made to provide you with a copy of the notes from that session. 

Can a Catholic attend to learn more about their faith? 
Yes, we have had many people do this in the past and would love to have you join us to learn more about your Catholic faith!