Season of Creation
Season of Creation (1 September – 4 October)
The Season of Creation is the annual Christian celebration inviting us to respond together to the ‘cry of the earth and the cry of the poor ’- as identified by Pope Frances in his encyclical letter Laudato Si’ (2015) and more recently in Laudato Deum (2023). As we journey through the Season of Creation from 1 September through to the feast-day of St Francis of Assisi on 4 October, let us each take action to care for our planet, our common home. The theme for this season is ‘To Hope and Act with Creation’ and the symbol is The first fruits of hope, inspired by Romans 8:19 – 25
Visit the Irish Catholic Bishop’s Conference for Sunday Liturgy Notes for Season of Creation 2024. These include homily notes for each Sunday of the season; prayers of the faithful; suggestions for music and reflections which highlight the call ‘To Hope and Act with Creation’
Catholic Bishops Website for Season of Creation
To celebrate the season ecumenically we are invited to reach out to other ecumenical leaders and call upon our communities to discern how to listen and respond to the cry of Creation, together.
‘Future generations will never forgive us if we miss the opportunity to protect our common home. We have inherited a garden; we must not leave a desert for our children’ (Joint statement from Pope Francis, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury)
Key dates for the Season of Creation 2024 (International)
September 1: Season of Creation Opening Prayer Service with global faith leaders (14.00 online event)
September 21: Day of Action to endorse the Fossil Fuel Non Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT) and online webinare to explain and reflect on phasing out fossil fuels
October 4: Season of Creation Closing Event with youth voices from around the globe (online event)
Key dates during Season of Creation 2024 (Local events)
September 1: Creation Walk – Falls Park (18.30)
September 19: Climate Justice Conference, Corrymeela
September 20: ‘Land and Lough’ Forum, Glengormley Methodist Church (19.30)
September 21: Faiths Together for Climate Justice and Peace, conference, Agápē centre Lisburn Road, Belfast (10.00)
September 21: International Day of Peace: A Celebration of Difference, St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast (19.00)
*Please check for updates, information on speakers and more on